
another step, another release

The Ruby Programming Shop has been hard at work on r43, a Ruby library wrapping the 43 Things webservice. All of our hard work has really paid off. The 0.2.0 release of r43 is better designed, better tested, and easier to use.

I’d especially like to thank Sean Carley and Edward Cho who really beat the early code into shape. If anyone is interested in getting involved, we’re going to be working on r43 through the end of August. At that point, we’ll pick a new library to work on.

You can grab your own copy at the r43 page on RubyForge.


Quick update

Well, it's been too long since I've posted, but I thought I should break my silence for this.

My daughter just got accepted into BYU's concurrent enrollment program. She'll attend Fall and Winter terms under this status, then will be able to start as a true freshman in the Spring. Not bad for a 15 year old.

Mom and dad are both doing fine.


Tag Clouds

Folksonomies are an interesting idea. Here's a fun take on it:

A tagcloud based on some of my favorite Ruby blogs. It'll be interesting to see where this goes.